Date Selection

Planning of important activities and events

If you are planning an important event, it is best to do it at the right time to encourage smooth sailing in your endeavors, as the annual cycles of the elements have a profound effect on events and your actions.

Important activities & events:

  • wedding
  • begining of your home renovation
  • moving into a new home
  • starting a business or a business project
  • the right time to apply Feng Shui remedies, in order to avoid accidentally ‘activating’ negative troubles such as Five Yellow Stars, 3 Murders (San Sha) and Grand Duke (Tai Sui)


Online Consultation in PDF Report

Online Date Selection Consultation Scheduling

Follow Procedure

  • choose your important activity
  • Make a payment with a note in the message
  • We will contact you for required informations
  • You receive the report in pdf