The quality of our life relates to health, harmony in the family, success in the profession, events, personal growth, positioning in the company and more. These are themes that often occupy us. However it is very important to know wheather the quality of our life depends on us?
Strengthening of selfconfidence
Today we have at our disposal various tools to improve the quality of life, but we usually require a tutor who would lead us down that road.
This, however, doesn’t make a problem if one resolve to persevere in his/her intention. It requires a strong will, where will means directed desire. This is the beginning point, desire to change something and to make things better.
The next step is to direct desire and achieve the will. When we reach this level we can become serious actors in the movie called “My Life,” and we are free to take the lead role.
It is possible that some will be scared of this unknown situation in which they make their own decisions about their lives, causes and consequences, and take the responsibility that this role carries. Therefore, it is the best to take advantage of this moment to strengthen selfconfidence.
How to strengthen selfconfidence? For a start, it is enough to use our home, a place where we determine all the rules and the scenography is just as we want it to be.
The road of changes
Nevertheless, there are so many things we can change in our home. We usually postpone such bothering and disturbing things for years so they never come to order. It is the best to make a list of everything you would like to change, repair, renovate, decorate.
It should start with the easiest, so you can feel good very quickly, and then you should go on with the next task. There is no reason to stop when we become aware we can do more than that, and that it makes us really happy and increases self-esteem.
Those who have no idea what they could do for themselves, may use the following list, which is in the function of purification the space and releasing the energy flows in the home:
List of feng shui tips
• Clean off entrance hall, foyer. Keep the entrance area without forgotten things and shoes. Create an image of welcome and comfort
• Arrange wardrobe / closet, everything that you haven’t wore the previous two seasons, give away or throw away
• Remove collections of useless little things from the corners and from shelves, sort them, throw unnecessary, pack others and give them a place
• Wash the windows and curtains so that healthy energy could go inside
• Keep away furniture from the window so that you can comfortably approach to open the window
• Provide a comfortable access to the bed, chair, sitting set, desk and other furniture (at least half a meter, the meter if possible)

Life in our hands
• Ensure that all doors can be comfortably opened by the end
• Wipe the furniture, choose a cleanser which aroma relaxes and gives the impression of cleanliness
• Repair defective door handles and taps, thereby preventing the outflow of Finance
• Lubricate everything that creaks
• Repair defective appliances, if this is impossible, throw them away
• Throw truncated, mismatched items
• Wash the refrigerator and oven, and continue to practice this once a week
• Wash bathroom in detail, set the natural air fresheners and decorative arrangement
• Throw the old makeup and cosmetics and buy luxurious shower gel or other cosmetics
• Always keep the toilet seat lowered and the bathroom door closed
• Plant flowers on the terrace or take care of the flower garden, refresh indoor plants
• Use aromatherapy, burn incense sticks
• Use music therapy, play music that makes you feel good
• Fill the space with positive information and vibrations (music, thoughts, actions)
Do it Yourself
All of this we can do by ourself, or we can hire someone and passively participate in everything. It is important to bring fresh and healthy energy into our home and to free flows in order to create the conditions for healthy living.
Very soon, after a few corrected appliances and some deployed or thrown objects, we will realize that we are more selfconfident and that it was only our decision that has been a barrier from the main role in our own life.
Each next decision gets more easier and faster. The main aim is to acquire the skills of decision making, which we then can apply into other spheres of our life.
If you give up at some moment just remember that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body and learning from it, extend the thought realising that healty mind and healty body are living in healty home.
Jelena Dejanovska, PhD in Arts
Photo: Ivan Hirman, Pixabay
Hairstyles: DM’s Hairlounge
Makeup: Zorica Epifanic
Schedule your Feng shui consultation HERE