Tag Archives: self-realization

BaZi & Feng shui

Feng Shui & BaZi

Art of Living

Design your destiny
Be the master of your life
Take advantage of your potential
Avoid obstacles in life
Achieve your goals elegantly

“Feng Shui studies the energy potential of space.

BaZi studies the energy potential of a person.

When they connect, we get the Art of Living “

Jelena Dejanovska, PhD

Jelena Dejanovska, PhD

Design your destiny

If you could anticipate your opportunities and potentials, would you make the same decisions that you are making now? Would you organize your life differently and create an artwork of it instead of this confusion of related and random events that you are currently surrounded with? I guess most will answer YES. But how?

Be the master of your life

What I always like to emphasize is that knowledge is not literally hidden from us. On the contrary, knowledge is extremely visible, it is only necessary to acquire maturity that will enable us to accept knowledge. Chinese metaphysics is a broad term and represents a set of powerful knowledge. Knowing and applying some metaphysical formulas and secrets can make a big change in your life. And can you imagine the change that would have arisen if you consciously and organically designed your life according to your best abilities? You will admit it would be a real refreshment for your life ☺

Take advantage of your potential

BaZi provides precise diagnostics and defining problems, as well as the capabilities of a person. Based on BaZi analysis it is easy to learn the character of a person, determine the structure of personality, talents, hidden talents (those you may not be aware of), plan activities and events, identify problems and correct their manifestation in real life, find Noble People (who can launch us in life), find Academic Mentors and true friends. It’s possible to find out when it’s a favorable moment to “merry into wealth”, but also to avoid divorce or emotional disaster. BaZi analysis can help you achieve a successful career, to understand whether it is better for you to be a business (wo)man or simply to work for someone. BaZi is really a powerful tool, but its full power is shown when applied together with Feng Shui.

Avoid obstacles in your life – free your time

It’s a great advantage when you can plan your time. Time is a resource that we all have. The well-known slogan Time is Moneyreminds us that free time is the preciousness of today and that rich people are actually those who can master their time.

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BaZi & Feng shui

However, this does not mean that there is no hope for those who can not afford to buy free time, for example, to hire a nanny or a housekeeper, an assistant worker or a new member of the team. If you plan your time well, you will earn enough money and get rid of days for enjoyment and rest. You just need to know when is the period in which you can be the most productive, and when your energy potentials indicate that there is no purpose to bother about something, it may be better to go for jogging.

BaZi very precisely determines the energy potential of a person, and can also determine the recommended quality of time. In other words, it is possible to foresee what is best to do, depending on personal potentials and qualitative possibilities, in order to achieve the best possible time-consuming as a resource that we all have. It can also help parents direct their children to their real talents and allow them to find themselves in a future call.

Achieve your goals

You’ve probably noticed that sometimes the job is like a joke. It’s a period that’s right for you and you’ve used it properly. It’s also possible that you spent a lot of energy and money trying to find your life partner, but somehow it was not. It was probably a period in which it was convenient to engage in business or some other activity, and you focused on the wrong activity.

What we experience in our lives as obstacles are actually the challenges that are posed before us in order to mature. When we have the awareness that ahead of us is the time in which we can expect events that are not exactly our will, then the dimension of these events can change. Then we do not have to consider them as obstacles but as challenges. Every victory we achieve at those moments can strengthen us 300% instead of self-pity because our ego has not achieved its satisfaction.

When we know what the problem is, we solve 90% of the problem, right? BaZi is a tool that helps us understand our problems and opens up aspects and opportunities for success.

Photo: Pixabay, Dragona99

Schedule your BaZi consultation HERE